Directions: GPS Provedroux 35F Vielsalm
Provedroux is the name of the village and at the same time also the street name.
If GPS does not find the name Provedroux, follow description below.
From Brussels, Antwerp, Hasselt, take the motorway in the direction of Liège. From Liège, follow the E25 in the direction of Luxembourg. Take exit 50 (Baraque de Fraiture) and turn left, direction Vielsalm. After ± 12 km, at the traffic lights in Salmchateau, turn right, direction Luxembourg. 1500m further turn right, direction Provedroux after a winding road up you will see the church on your right then take the first road on the left 25 meters further you will see the holiday residence on the right side of the road.